The experience of care partners is discussed by Dr. Mantri and team in this article (on Plos One's website). Proud to be a part of such wonderful work which highlights some of insights from the third of three projects for the Michael J. Fox Foundation about Parkinson's Disease.
Congrats Dr. Mantri and team for being selected by the American Academy of Neurology for a poster session at the 2020 National Conference! Proud to be a part of such wonderful work. This was the third of three projects for the Michael J. Fox Foundation about Parkinson's Disease.
Honored to have been the qualitative researcher to unearth insights that helped to create the online survey for this important research. This was the first of three projects for the Michael J. Fox Foundation about Parkinson's Disease.
Sharing my passion for bridging the understanding gap between qualitative researchers and the facilities that are critical for in-person research. This article was published in the QRCA November 2021 Connections.
Passionate about ensuring quality respondents? Read my article on how we, the marketing research industry, must not give into the pressures of doing it faster and cheaper at the expense of doing it right!
To learn more about my experience, read the write-up in Quirk's issue on women in marketing research.